Monday, August 1, 2016

Carol Archer comments on 366

     1.    Why were you interested in joining Project 366, and how did you see it relating to your art practice before you got involved? 

The initial impetus to join 366, as a guest participant (ie for a month), was mostly to do with my own practice –  I knew that the goal of finishing and posting draft drawings/paintings on a daily basis would be motivating and satisfying.

      2.    How does working with other people affect your art practice/ process? Does it also affect / change your style of working? In what way?

I find it exciting, inspiring and encouraging to participate in artistic collaborations and communities
3. Has Project 366 been a good way for you to be with others in an art practice community? Does it feel like a community to you? Why?/Why not? How?/How not?

Yes. It does feel like a community – I love the way that people have referenced and responded to each others’ work. It’s lovely to see the evidence that there’s a group of us engaging in creative processes on a daily basis, and to be able to get a glimpse of that through the site. It’s great to get feedback from other members of the group.
4. Do you see 366 as a dialogue? If so, in what way? Can you see ways in which it could be more of a dialogue or a better dialogue?

It’s easy to let someone know in a short comment that you enjoyed or liked their work, though for me there is far too much to look at online every day to do this in any consistent or even-handed way. More importantly, participants have responded to/riffed on/referenced others’ work, and then there are unintended dialogues that have to do with current events, the zeitgeist, synchronicity. This is fascinating and inspiring.

5. Has working on daily artmaking through Project 366 affected your work or the way you work? If so, how?

Knowing one will post work daily encourages one to do at least some work-in-draft each day that is ‘do-able in a day’ and ‘presentable’. There are other kinds of draft that are also of value in a creative process. But doing some of the former type on a daily basis is a good discipline, encourages productivity and is good for self esteem.

6. Do you think others in the project have influenced you / affected your ways of working or your subject matter?

Yes, I’m sure the feedback I received had effects on my treatment of my subject.

7. How have you found the cultural diversity in the project so far? Has this had any effect on you?  Do you think things could be different / better in this regard?

It’s great that the project involves different languages and cultures and locations. It’s resulted in a diverse and inspiring range of approaches and voices. 

8. Do you think there's what you could call a learning process going on through the project? If so, could you describe that?

Maintaining the discipline of contributing a work a day for a year – or a month – is a learning process in itself. Being part of this very particular kind of online creative community also entails learning I would think. And then I’d imagine there’s learning that takes place through increased exposure to the work of one’s peers, as well as through the various dialogues (like this one) that take place on the site.

9. How do you see your role in the group?

I see my role as a happy small potato in this group - who is grateful for the efforts that others have made to make this wonderful project go - and this suits me as I’ve had a central role in various collaborative drawing projects over the past decade (Reciprocal interference, Macao-Elsewhere, Elsewhere, Postcards between Friends).

And in answer to the remaining questions...
I see the project continuing in much the same way for the rest of the year. What happens next year is more a question for those who are participating on a daily basis and those who are now, or who would be, doing the work connected with the project. But I do think creative communities like this one, focused on participants' creative work (rather than commentary), are tremendously valuable, especially when the arts are so marginalised/star system-focused etc in our wider communities.

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